Sorry for the lack of posting and its all Z's fault because she's too busy out working at a new part-time job, supposedly to earn money to go visit V in LA in December. And, that is if her Dad allows it. So anyway, I was complaining to her that since she works so much now, she has no time for the very important Me. I mean who am I to bully at home, and who is going to feed me treats and play with me. Our conversation went like this:
Hugo: You are working so much you hardly have time for me! What about me?
Z: Don't be silly Hugo, you still have 4 other people in the house for you to boss around.
Hugo: But its not the same they don't bring me for walks!!
Z: As if you want to go for walks, the last time we went for a walk what happen? You took 5 steps then flop down onto your belly and refuse to walk and I have to physically pick you up. Oh and how many times you did that? At least 10! In like a 10 metres stretch of road!
Hugo: Hmmmm... I was eh just doing push ups, yup push up.
Z: Right....
That was the end of a rather disappointing act to get Z to spend more time with me. But the good thing is I've got my Mom (who is Z's Mom as well) wrap around my little paw (even Z agrees) and there's even pictures to proof how completely under my spell my Mom is. Jeez... This two-leggeds are so easy to win over sometimes.
This photos were taken on the same day which I did the "Push Up Stunt" and Mom wa so worried that there's sometihing wrong with me. Z decided to try and take me on a walk again, and at the very mention of the word "walk" this is what I did.
I went to lie down beside my mom and gave her my paw, pretending to be pathetic.

Mom: Why? Whta's wrong baby? Your paw pain pain izzit?
She fell for it! I lifted my head and gave Z a smug look. Hah!

Mom: You okie already baby? Want to go for a walk?
Ohhh.. Almost blew it by trying to be smug, better lie low and act pathetic.

Mom: Its okie baby, Mummy sayang you..
Sneaking a peek at Z to make sure that she's not trying anything funny.

Pretending to be pathetic has its advantages, I get a good massage from my Mom!

Mom: Mummy massage your head for you.
Don't you all just love my cute little smile? My mom loves it when I smile at her!

Mom: So cute, you smiling at Mummy?
Hee Hee Hee, My Mom has completely fallen for my superb acting. I should win an award for this!

All this acting is making me sleepy....

As I lie there, I contemplated getting into the show Business and have a career as a Professional Actor.

Then I realised that its just too much work, being an amateur gets me my treats and massages as well. All this acting is tiring, I should go for a nap now...

Licks and Leaps Hugo
That's a great picture series, Hugo! Our favourite is the first one, when your Mom is holding your paw. Cute! You should think about writing about a manual!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
Hi, Hugo!
You have a very good technique! I can see it works pretty well!
I just can imagine you going out for a "no walkie"
Kisses and hugs
Hi Hugo,
Hollywood should be knocking on your doors very soon!! Oh maybe when Z goes to LA to visit V, she can drop you off at Hollywood first?
hugo!!! you are such a good actor. but i wonder why don't you like walkie? i mean, that's the only time we get to go out. both me and Girl are super happy when we get walkie. dopes can't see daylight, he'll go crazy when he does. (mom: not true! dopey is afraid of physically EVERYTHING, the human, new stuff everything).
wet wet licks
btw hugo, i call my daddy PIZZA FACE is because he has a pizza face! he has lots of topping on it - peperoni, pineapple etc and my favourite is cheese!
you see, he doesn't have a smooth face so mom call him that and we all call him that too.
wet wet licks
You're so clever Hugo. hee hee
Everyone loves your cute smile
~ Girl girl
Oh Hugo that's pathetic. You really got your humans wrapped around your lil paw don't you.
How come you don't like walks. Are you sure you're a dog? Surely you're not THAT Lazy!
You're very cute tho so I spose you're forgiven.
Hugo, you're the cutest little guy!! But why do you do pushups during your walk? I've never heard of a doggie doing that. I hope you figure out that walking is lots of fun, especially when you keep moving your legs and going places :)
T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel
Hugo, you are sooo very cute in these pictures!
Have a great day!
Hi Hugo, massage from mom is always a heaven treat.
Please come to my blog to pick up your award, choose your favorite one, it's my pleasure to pass it onto you.
Woof Hugo,
Pawsome photos, you really should be in Hollywood.
Hope all is well with you and your family.
Desert Pups
We love walks!! I sure hope your Z finds more time for you soon!
Hi Hugo
Good to see you've got the old poodle tricks working. It's a full time job fooling the humans into thinking they're in charge.
Keep up the good work.
Charlie Boy
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