First there is Z, who is my owner. I know many of you refer to your owners as mums but I will come to why I call her Z. Then there is Z's mother who I refer to as Mum (see my explanation is so quick) and Dad who is Z's dad and also GH who is Z's brother. I am treated as the youngest of the family so I get all the best stuff! (HEE HEE HEE). There is also Tina, the domastic helper who I refer to as my PA(personal assistant). She does most of my cleaning up for me and takes care of me when Z's not home. She's actually MY PA but I loan her to the two-leggeds sometimes. See how nice I am to them!
(Z - Since my Mum claimed the position of "mum" before me I just have to resign to being Hugo's elder sis.)
Well here is all for now, I shall leave you with this cute picture of me and my two-leggeds (PA on the left and Z on the right) You can see how Z holds me in her death grip head-lock, its totally unacceptable I tell you.

Licks and Leaps
Hello Hugo,
Thanks for visiting our blog.. we love to make new friends!
You are a well-mannered pup indeed.. we have a 'PA' too (she is my mom's younger sister) and we call her 'The Maid'.. Hahaha.. Oops.. we'd better not teach you anything bad in case Z bans us from visiting you next time!
** Hugs **
Huskee and Hershey
Hello Huskee and Hershey!
Thank you for visiting my page! Yours is wonderful I love bugging Z to let me use the com so I can read all about your exciting life! Sorry my page look so yucky. Z is useless at it (hides face in paws)
P.s. I'm just pretending to be good for now so the two-legged will give me more biscuits (hee hee hee)
Ohmydog - she is going to CHOKE you to death!!! That's how my girl's grandma holds me, but I still give her kisses anyway... she sneaks me snacks! :-)
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