This is the first award that I have ever received in my entire life! I want to give a huge Thank You to The Desert Pups for giving this award to me. At this point in my life, given that my Z is so down, it is really a huge encouragement and a pleasant surprise. It really lifted Z's spirit and she even gave me extra belly rubs!
I will like to nominate the following dawggies and also a Big Thank You for all the encouragement, it really helps!
Sen and Tom
Huskee and Hershey
Girl Girl Hamster
Katie and Gizmo
Angel T-Man
Here are the rules for these awards!
The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
Link the person you received your award from.
Nominate seven other blogs.
Put links of those blogs on yours.
Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated.
And Z would like to leave a word with all you wonderful dawggies out there.
Z - Firstly I would like to say thank you to all of you who have left me encouragement and word of advice, it is a very hard and trying time for me and I have to admit that I have neglected Hugo, but he has been good to me, playing with me still, wagging his tail and giving me kisses. I especially want to say a thank you to Huskee's Mom for her encouragement.
That's is all for this week, I won't be posting till next week at least as Z will be out of town with V for the weekend. See you when I see you!
Licks and Leaps,

Thanks, Hugo! We're happy to be your friends!
Sen-Chan and Tom
Why thankyou so much Hugo, I love your blog too!
I'm adding u to my pal list cuz I'm so glad we're pals.
Lots of Love
THANKS for the award Hugo!! Hope that V and Z have a great time together this weekend.. enjoy and savour your time together, Z and V!
** Hugs**
Thanks for giving me that pawsome award Hugo. :) Have a great weekend with Z ok.
~ Girl girl
Thank you for the award Hugo!! That was so nice of you to think of me :)
T-man Angel
Congratulations on your award Hugo!
I love your blog too!
Kisses and hugs
Huge, you monster! Thanks for the award, my friend! :-) To bad you already got it, or I would give it to YOU!
As for the smoochie faces... hmm, it's hard to describe. Maybe I'll have to do a post on "how to make the irresistable kissie face" or something. I'll have to think about that one.
Congrats on your 1st award! You deserve it.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
omdog your first award, CONGRATS!!
Hi Hugo,
Just sniffing over to say welcome to Dogs With Blogs, I will add you to my blogroll so I can keep up with your adventures, nice to meet you,
Ben xxxx
Thanks, Hugo and Z! It means a lot to get this from you. Where in the US is V going to be? Does that mean that next year YOU'RE going to come live in the US, too??
- Charlie
I came over from DWB and I wanted to say hi. Cool blog! Congrats on your first award! Nice to meet you!
Love and licks
Woof Hugo
Just stopping by to say hey. When is the party to celebrate your award? Let us know and we'll be there.
Desert Pups
Congrats on your award Hugo!!!! we are very sorry to hear about V and Z (we are just catching up on our blogging-- too much playing at the house this past week!). mom says she can't imagine what she would do without dad for a year, so i know it must be tough for Z (and V)!! We are sending them lots of licks and puppy hugs!!
The Puppies
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